What’s happening at Ranges TEC

Tradies make up 30% of our workforce, (HALT). Tradies build our houses, fix our electrical issues, landscape our gardens, sort out our plumbing, design and make furniture, the list goes on. But what’s behind all of those trade skills? Who are tradies as people? Who have they got to support them?  According to 2019 statistics...
Ranges TEC provides a range of short courses which include First Aid, White Card, Food Safety, and Youth Mental Health First Aid.  Youth MHFA was developed by Mental Health First Aid Australia for adults to support young people aged 12-18. Youth MHFA deals with broad areas such as anxiety, depression, psychosis, as well as more predominantly...

About Us

Ranges TEC is a campus of Mount Evelyn Christian School especially designed for hands-on learners to study at Year 10, 11 & 12 with the goal of achieving a year 12 completion and a pathway into trade, TAFE or the wider workforce.
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